Monthly Archives: December 2014

Please consider a donation to our mission!

Friends and family, As most of you know, our family will move to Guatemala in early February to begin serving in mission with Project Salud Y Paz.  We know that many of you may also give to worthy causes for … Continue reading

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Words for Today and Some Ways to Get God Into Your Life Each Day

Inward/Outward – The Story I read the reflection for December 21,2014 from this link above this morning and the truth that it contains burst out at me and literally took my breath away. I read it again and stopped breathing … Continue reading

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December 17, 2014 I almost never remember dreaming at night but I awakened this morning at 3:30 am remembering a strange dream. It involved delivering a box of data to Mark Wiltgen, one of my friends from my earliest days … Continue reading

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