Author Archives: John Lage, Jr.

One Day I’ll Join You There

The video below is the recording of my first performance of one of my newer songs. It is also the first piece for which I wrote the piano accompaniment. The next words you will read are the ones that I … Continue reading

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‘Do Not Fear’

The chorus to this song is a paraphrase of Isaiah 41:10. The Upper Room Devotional for January 27, 2012 brought it to my attention and the song came to be about in about half an hour or so. ‘Do Not … Continue reading

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Please pray for us.  We are no longer working with Project Salud y Paz at their request.  Please  continue to pray for that organization, they make a difference for the rural Guatemalans they serve.  We want you to know that while … Continue reading

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The Gift of Presence

I read a lot of theological based material these days.  It makes me think.  This morning I ran across this article that spoke to me.  Please take a few minutes to read it. Living Boldly in a World of Shame … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas 2017

Merry Christmas! This is the time of year when, first and foremost, we remember the coming of God’s son, Jesus, whom Matthew 1:23 also describes as Emmanuel, meaning God with us. I believe that God is truly with us, each … Continue reading

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Holy, Holy, Holy

  This was submitted to our church’s newsletter for October 2017. In 2013, our family traveled to Guatemala so our son, John Edmund, could be exposed to the country and the culture for the first time as he was too … Continue reading

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We’re coming to the US for five weeks – We hope to see all of you!

And we are looking forward to celebrating with you soon as we will be arriving for a visit on July 12th after nearly a year of being away. We will begin in Rochester, but will also visit family in Indiana … Continue reading

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The Best Father’s Day Gift

Yesterday was Father’s Day in Guatemala, today is Father’s Day in the US.  Yesterday, my son gave me the best Father’s Day gift I’ve ever received.  It was a surprise to him on Saturday but I knew about it the … Continue reading

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In the chaos of the world these days, I have been struggling to find words to convey my thoughts and emotions in appropriate ways that don’t alienate that who may disagree with my progressive spiritual and political views.  As I … Continue reading

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God IS with Us (A Christmas Card from the Lages)

We will not be spending the holidays this year with all of you whom we love in the states, but we will not be alone. Instead we will be here in Guatemala where God calls us to be. Our hearts … Continue reading

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