Monthly Archives: February 2015

Cooking Class – Lessons Learned

One of the neat things about our Spanish school, Jabel Tinamit, is that they have activities in the afternoon and evening for the students.  Neither Jan or I have been able to participate in any of them until last night … Continue reading

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It’s Ash Wednesday, Lent begins and God is good!…All the time!

For two days I have tried to decide what I was going to write to keep you up to date with our journey.  In truth, this first week of our journey has been quite mundane if you think about the … Continue reading

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Safely in Guatemala

We arrived in Panajachel around 8 pm last night. God granted us safe travels. Courtesy of a very kind gate attendant from American, our three flight day with very short layovers between each flight, turned into a two flight day … Continue reading

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Be still…and know that I am God

This verse, which I use as my primary centering phrase, seems immensely appropriate at this moment. All 4 of us, sitting in the airport in Miami, seem calm and at peace right now. The hustle and bustle to get ready … Continue reading

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