Author Archives: Janice Marie Lage

Yo si te creo

For the celebration of International Women’s Day here in Panajachel, a new T shirt design was introduced.  Written in Spanish on the front and in Kaqchikel (a local Mayan dialect) on the back, the words mean “I do believe you”. … Continue reading

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A new year

By the time you read this, we will be back in Guatemala after a precious visit with friends and family for most of the holiday season.  The CUMC team will be here for their 12th year of mission with the … Continue reading

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It’s Ash Wednesday, Lent begins and God is good!…All the time!

For two days I have tried to decide what I was going to write to keep you up to date with our journey.  In truth, this first week of our journey has been quite mundane if you think about the … Continue reading

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‘Song of the Lamb’

I’ve always loved the “Good Shepherd” window you see here. It is in the front of our sanctuary at Christ United Methodist Church in Rochester, Minnesota.  I’m in our praise band and the service I most frequently attend these days … Continue reading

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